Julian Giuca

Helping engineering teams take control of their observability data and reduce their cloud costs.
Top 4 Takeaways from Monitorama 2024
The Datable team is back from Monitorama with insights and hot takes.
What is an observability pipeline anyway?
A look at observability pipelines - what they do, how they work, and why you need one.
Making Observability a Priority
Learn how to make observability an org-wide priority in a few simple steps.
Sampling Strategies for Traces
Explore a few strategies to lower the cost of storing and processing your traces.
How to Deal with High Cardinality Metrics
A crash course in metrics, cardinality, and pre-processing metric data.
How (and why) to migrate from unstructured to structured logs
It’s easy for observability to fall to the wayside until you’ve reached a critical mass of technical debt, infra spend, or received a surprisingly costly vendor bill.
Why you’re overspending on Observability vendors, and what to do about it
In this blog we’ll discuss the causes of high observability bills, and strategies for lowering your observability costs.
Export EC2 application logs using Fluentbit
Datable leverages Fluent Bit to provide logging for your applications. Onboarding is as simple as configuring Fluent Bit and modifying your conf file.
Welcome to Datable
We are a new startup focused on helping businesses manage their observability vendors.
Take control of your telemetry data